The Australian Veterinary Association

The Australian Veterinary Association – providing a united voice for the veterinary profession for over 100 years.

Our members come from all fields within the veterinary profession. Clinical practitioners work with companion animals, horses, livestock, and wildlife. Government veterinarians work with our animal health, public health, and quarantine systems while other members work in industry, research, and teaching. Veterinary students are also members of the Association

Your voice

Focussing on advocacy for the profession, we regularly meet with government and industry stakeholders, and members of parliament to represent the views of our members, developing and implementing strategies to address the issues that matter to the profession, including workforce issues, animal health and welfare, veterinary legislation and biosecurity.

Your education

Facilitating continuous learning and growth throughout your career, the AVA delivers a range of veterinary education across the country and continues to be one of the leading providers of veterinary CPD in Australia.

Your community

Providing a supportive framework to enable social and professional connection and bring us together on important issues.

Your support

Providing a Veterinary Health and Wellness Framework to secure a thriving and sustainable future for the profession.